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Steam Boiler Chemicals

Today, steam boilers are used as heat source in many industrial institutions and industrial facilities. It is almost unrivaled, because, to obtain steam is easy and as a heat source it can be transferred to the required work point with its pressure, in areas like industrial enterprises, laundries, big food factories, etc. Although they are available in very different sizes, steam boilers fulfill a very functional task.


Treated water is used in order to obtain steam from the steam boilers. However, the water in use can damage the metal structure of the boiler over time. Especially the scaling that occurs due to the adherence of the mineral compounds in the water to the walls of the boiler and the chemical reactions of the water with the boiler metal by electron exchange in various ways can shorten the life of the boilers. Thus, limescale and corrosion occur in the steam boilers, which is a great obstacle to the stable and safe operation of the system. Moreover, limescale and impurities affect heat transfer efficiency and, therefore, cause high costs in steam production. In this kind of situation, the steam boiler chemicals produced by our company take a role and provide minimum cost with maximum efficiency.


The Most Reliable Steam Boiler Chemicals


Deser Kimya provides solutions in all kinds of industrial facilities and industrial institutions with its steam boiler chemicals originating in Europe and America in terms of raw materials, produced by ISO 9001: 2015 quality assurance system under the supervision of its engineers.


The formulation of the chemical, used in steam boiler conditioning, and the regular service we provide are the crucial points for the perfect implementation of the process. Besides, the latest technological developments are reflected in production of our chemicals. Our steam boiler chemicals that are used in low and medium pressures are in the form of a cocktail consisting of dipersant, phosphonate, and amines. Our chemicals that are only used in food production facilities have a property that prevents the chemical to penetrate to the steam line.


In the production concept of our company, scaling, sludge and anti-corrosion preventive chemicals are used for BOILER STAR series steam boilers and generators. In this group, the OXOFF series, the most qualified chemical products take place in order to prevent corrosion caused by oxygen and carbon dioxide in steam condensate lines. Thus, valid for all steam boiler water conditioning chemicals against calcification and corrosion, the cleaning can be provided without giving any damage to the system. Due to this prevention system, the lifetime of the boilers is extended and the condensate lines are suited to the desired level of operation. In addition, with non-acidic limescale remover chemicals, the impurities can be removed without stopping the operation of the system.

Steam Boiler Chemicals and Engineering Services


Optimal ratios can be achieved with the help of high-tech dosing systems (dosing pumps) and automation systems directed by the analyzer, when necessary. The design, installation, and calibration of the systems are provided by our company. We can provide training seminars in line with the demands of all the companies we serve, and we can provide information on how to use the chemicals. In addition, we can enable the works of industrial facilities and industrial institutions with the service we provide continuously. While steam boiler chemicals are offered to our customers with the most economical prices, services such as sampling and reporting can also be offered to customers if requested.